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Implementation of E-Business Suite by iTechStack
Customizations: While Oracle E-Business Suite is highly functional and flexible, there are instances where inherent gaps exist, requiring alterations to the core applications. The iTechStack Technology team has developed a range of customizations capable of bridging these gaps effectively. Our approach ensures that customizations remain unaffected during system upgrades.
Extensions: Extensions represent a specialized category of customizations involving the creation of a complete module seamlessly integrating with Oracle’s E-Business Suite. All development is carried out using AOL libraries and adheres to application coding standards, ensuring a smooth integration of the extension with the existing application.
Interfaces: iTechStack excels in developing consistent and efficient code for interfaces, facilitating the seamless transfer of data between Oracle’s E-Business Suite and external applications. Our interface solutions are designed to ensure reliable and automated data exchange.
Conversion: For data migration from external systems into the Oracle Application, iTechStack’s technology team brings expertise in converting data into various modules. We employ reusable code that undergoes rigorous testing, ensuring a reliable and proven data conversion strategy. Our approach encompasses data mapping, coding, testing, and reconciling data, utilizing tools like Excel macros and Data Loader where applicable.