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Retail Supply Chain Framework
The prosperity of any retailer hinges on delivering products to consumers efficiently and cost-effectively. While this seems straightforward, the retail supply chain grapples with considerable challenges that hinder effective communication, collaboration, and information sharing.
iTechStack’s team empowers an agile and adaptive supply chain network, providing retailers with a web-based portal for pre-planning, optimization, and efficient operations execution. This solution enables retailers to manage transportation and logistics operations, fostering coordination through collaboration technology that extends operations beyond corporate boundaries to various stakeholders.
The iTechStack Supply Chain framework delivers value to retailers in key areas:
- Improved Delivery Performance, Fill Rates, Relationships
- Reduced Order Cycle, Lead Times, Flawless Execution
- Increased Inventory Turns, Improved Reliability
- Lower Transportation Costs against COGS (Cost of Goods Sold)
- Merchandise optimization strategies for profitable buying, allocating, and pricing decisions
- Price Optimization for setting and managing prices, planning promotions, and executing markdown strategies
- Enable “continuous move” through SC Network Optimization from upstream (P.O) to delivery (Carrier Selection)
iTechStack employs SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference), an industry best practice modeling, to architect a retailer’s supply chain, mitigating risks and developing customized solutions tailored to specific needs.

Supply Chain Visibility:
- 360 Visibility for P.O/SKUs tracing & tracking
- Events & Exceptions Management
- Early Warning Alerts
- Dashboards for Preemptive Analytics, Performance Scorecards, KPI metrics
- Landed Costs Analysis
- Supplier & Carrier Collaboration (OSMOSIS)
- Compliance Management
- P.O Life Cycle Management
- Supply Chain Ad Tracking
- Reporting
- Merchandise Flow Optimization
- D.C Receipts Smoothing (Distribution) Optimization
- Logistics & Transportation Cost Optimization
- Merchandise Life Cycle Optimization